Monday, January 19, 2009

Interpret a Dream...

Okay, there really is an Accomplishment in the book to interpret a dream, and last night I had a dream that I was trying to get to The Inauguration, and worried because I was going to miss it and was on a bus and then running along The Potomac, frantically trying to get there. And I thought, what better day to do this Accomplishment, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day...

But I don't want to be snarky or clever. I know what the dream means. And the Accomplishment of today and tomorrow is a joint Accomplishment from and for all of us, and a dream come true for so many.

On the eve of the most historical day of my lifetime, save for 9/11 on the opposite end of the spectrum, I just want to tell you all to enjoy tomorrow and we can take a collective sigh of relief.

Because as far as I'm concerned, a nightmare is over and new dreams can begin.

Hooray!!!!! YES WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Andy said...

YES WE DID!!! xoxoxoxoxo

Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness! Yes. It's hard to believe that we are finally done with those stinkers. And that we have a president who's intelligent, ethical, and capable! Mind blowing!

Sparkleneely said...

Andy -- WHOO HOO!!! I am STILL overjoyed!

elizabeth -- AND HE LOOKS GOOD IN A TUX. today I was driving to work and thought, "Obama is president!" and it was such a good feeling. Just watching all the coverage, and all the people... no matter how anyone voted, you have to look at the new excitement and enthusiasm and feel good about our country. How could you not? I love it!!!


Delinquent said...

I still can't believe it actually really does seem like a dream.

Sparkleneely said...

Delinquent -- I know! But it's real! Not that I think everything is going to be solved right away, but I'm already impressed and feel better about things, even though we still have a long road ahead. He's already PRESIDENTIAL. It's been so long since we've had that, I'd forgotten what it was like!

Megan said...

Hey, you snuck this in here and I didn't notice!

I love my President.