I will regret that decision for as long as I live. But thanks to that decision, I'm not making another stupid one as far as Barack Obama is concerned.
After that, I started hearing more and more about Obama, and remembering hearing the librarians speak of how inspiring he was, I took notice. (I trust librarians. I think many of them may be the smartest, most savvy people around.) And you couldn't help but notice what was happening to our country -- billions of dollars funneled into a war no one seemed to understand or want, New Orleans pulverized by not only natural but reckless and irresponsible government causes, and whispers of a recession making everyone uneasy. (And now the whispers have turned to screams and groans.) To name just a few. And it made me so angry.
Now, I've always been a little apathetic when it comes to politics. Not so much apathetic, but just uninvolved, really. I don't even think I voted until I was in my early 20's (for Clinton, of course), but I've voted each time since then. And I love voting -- it's so exciting to go to the booth, and seeing my candidate's name on the ballot and checking it off, and getting my sticker. And each time, without fail, no matter how small the measures are, I always feel so emotional because I don't take it for granted that as a woman I'm allowed to vote, and that my vote helps make a difference. I choke back tears each time.
So no, I'm not apathetic, but up until now, I've never thought that anything I did other than voting would matter, and never took the time to volunteer or even put a bumper sticker on my car. Four years ago, I didn't pay that much attention to the campaign, because I was so damn sure that America wouldn't make the same mistake again and re-elect George W., and I am still reeling that we were all so wrong.
This time, I want to make sure I help to get it right.
I will never forget the first time we watched -- I mean, really watched -- Obama speak. After he was done, we both had tears running down our cheeks, and Jon said, "That man is the future for my children." Usually when I watch politicians I am so hypercritical, watching for the gratuitous pandering that makes their sincerity ring false, but I didn't get that with Obama. Knowing that he would take the time to address librarians, and that he cared enough to go to some librarian convention and speak... that spoke volumes to me. It just made me believe that he does care. And nothing he has said or done in the subsequent years and months has made me change my mind. In fact, things he has said have made me even more solidly convinced. (Especially about the US car companies. My dad worked for GM for nearly 50 years, and what has been happening breaks my heart. Michigan also has the highest unemployment rate, too. But that's just only one of the things.)

So this year, for the first time in my life, I not only put a bumper sticker on my car, but I have read and forwarded emails and donated to a presidential campaign. And as scary as it was, I even volunteered.
Last month I signed up for Get Out The Vote to go to Nevada for Obama with a group of amazing friends, who have already gone to Nevada to do it. I was so inspired by them that I decided to go with them, because I felt I have to do something. Even my wonderful sister wants to go if she can. (She's already volunteered in Maine. I have the coolest sister in the world.) We signed up to go the weekend before the election, but now it's in question because they actually might not need us! They were expecting 250 Northern Californians in Washoe County last weekend, and 1500 showed up. And the early votes are all swinging toward Obama, which has been so exciting. (And he's going to be there this weekend. Hurrah!) So we don't know if we will go to Nevada, but even if we stay home, we're going to do something. (Which will involve phones and "good bad for you food," as Jeff says.)
Going with friends is one thing, but going by myself -- that was scary. But after the last debate, as I watched McCain (who is "proud" of Sarah Palin, who is so so so scary) pander and mug, and Obama keep his composure as usual, I signed up to do a phonebank in my neighborhood. Olivia couldn't make it, so I was alone.
I didn't know what to expect when I arrived. I had never done this before, and I felt like a scared little kid on my first day of school. But as it turns out, the hostess was just fabulous, and everyone was so nice. (And it turned out I knew someone there, which was funny.) Spirits were high because Colin Powell had endorsed Obama that day, and we all admitted that we cried when we heard it. And all we had to do was call MoveOn members in Minnesota and tell them about volunteer opportunities in their area from a script. easy peasy, and it got easier as it went. A lot of people didn't answer the phone on my sheets, but I talked to about 10 people -- all nice, and I even signed up two people. Woo hoo! And there were snacks. Good snacks. I drove home feeling like a million bucks. And pretty damn American.
I know there's been brouhaha about being American and living in a big city all that jazz, but pfffft. Whatever. I am American. And I knew what Michelle Obama meant. I love my country, but that doesn't mean I'm always proud of it. I'm not proud of how we are seen in other countries because of our government. (And reality TV shows like "My Super Sweet 16." Bleeccch.) I'm not proud of how we have dealt with everything, especially Guantanamo Bay (hellooo!). But I was raised by two members of "The Greatest Generation," and they taught me to love my country and I do. I always have. And I have never been so proud of my country or felt so American as I stood on Utah Beach in France, scattering my dad's ashes and paying homage to all those Americans and Allies who were there on DDay. So how dare Sarah Palin insinuate that I am un-American, and unpatriotic? (And have us think that all Americans are Joe Six-Packs and soccer moms? I don't even like beer OR soccer. Shut UP already, lady!)
This is the election of our lifetime. In our Nevada training, the team leader said there hasn't been this much excitement since Robert Kennedy (and oh God, please don't let anything like that happen), and before that, FDR. So it's not only important for our country to get involved, but important for ourselves as a personal point in history. This may be the most historically significant election we will ever live to see, for so many reasons. And it has felt good to take part in it.
But even if I hadn't done the phonebank or gotten a tee shirt or anything like that, I have, in fact, helped to change one significant thing. My sweet, sweet 83 year old mom, who has voted Republican since, well, since as long as I've been aware of it, is voting for Obama and No on the evil Prop 8 (the ban on gay marriage). A member of the Republican party called her yesterday and she told them, "I'm voting for Obama." and when pressed about Prop 8 she said, "I can't. In my heart I know it's wrong. Why stand in the way of someone's happiness?" I love my mom. (No matter who or what she votes for, I love her.) Now, that's change I can believe in.
So now, in the last few days of the election, see what you can do. Volunteering has felt amazing, but above all else, you have to vote. You just have to. The entire world is counting on us. We have to get it right.

Nineteen down,78 to go.
Great post!
I am working at the polls on the 4th. My boss didn't want to give me the day off, but I made him...
So proud of you!
Oh, your mom. I love her so much for what she said. I hope she turned a heart that day.
Fantastic post. Very inspiring.
Megan -- Hooray for you working the polls! You must post about how it goes!
Dolin -- thanks, honeypie. I'm ALWAYS proud of you. And I miss you so much!
Dane -- I know. She is so sweet. I just spent the day with her and she is just the best person. Her heart is huge. And thanks, honey!
you brought tears to my eyes. especially the part about your mom. whatever happens (and I'm *certainly* hoping for the same result as you) if as many people vote as they say will, that will be an accomplishment. This is WHY we have this country. This is WHY our founding fathers (ahem) fought and died. And I love the voting process too. Standing in line with your neighbors, it is inspiring. I am sad that I have to vote absentee this year...but vote I shall! xo
I love this post, I am not very political and I have only voted a couple of times(starting with Clinton also in my 20's even though he messed up my name for a bit there......boy was I teased) but I am voting this year, I am embarrassed by Palin, I am all for Moms and such but she stands for NOTHING I stand for..... YIPPEE for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I wish I could vote Prop 8 NO!!!!! Horray for Momma!!!! no one should stand in the way of love!!!! I will email my cali friends I lived in Seal Beach for ONE year in 1986 and I still know some people there!!!!!!
Susan -- you know my mom. She's so sweet. A good Lutheran lady. What has pissed me off so much about this scary election is the bad name the Christian right has been giving all those good hearted Lutheran folks out there. (May the force be with you... and also with you.) Sigh. I love you so much! xoxo
Monica -- OMG, I would trade Monica Lewinsky any day for the BS of the last eight years! And your name is beautiful -- one of my favorites. Call your Seal Beach friends and tell them that Prop 8 is evil evil evil... it's so ridiculous to me that anyone would stand in the way of love. I mean, what makes it okay for 2 straight people to marry for not very honorable purposes, but 2 gay people in love can't??? It's sick. And YIPPEEE for you for voting!!! YAY for us!!! :)
You're right, that pic did make me love Barack even more. The worn-through shoes, he's just tirelessly workin' it, isn't he? In my dream, we had this really deep conversation about the Kennedies, and I woke up feeling like Barack Obama is a JFK in his own right. If he wins, I really feel like it's going to be a MAJOR turning point in our history. Obviously!
Sigh. I heart him. I can't wait to hear his closing arguments today.
You did a great and valuable thing there. I'm feeling discouraged by how much crap propaganda that people actually believe about Obama...but I believe and hope that we can overcome that and that he can be our next president. I sure hope.
Bravo, darling! And hip hip hooray for your wonderful, lovely mom. I gave some money to Obama last week (the second or third time). They were running, for lack of a better word, a promotion where they matched donors up. My match-up was a gentleman in S.C., and I teared up when he told me that every time his African-American sons looked at Obama they saw a role model. I am a middle-aged white woman and I see hope for our beautiful country and our wonderful constitution when I look at him. And I love what Jon said - and what you are DOING. xoLP
Jennye-- thanks for letting me wear your boyfriend's pin. He really IS dreamy. And we're gonna get him elected! Whoo hoo Sunday!
Eartha -- I totally thought about you in regards to the "My Super Sweet 16"... after we talked about it I saw some of it and felt just CRUSHING embarrassment. And crap propaganda is right. Just reading some comments on posted articles I am astounded by the ignorance and hostility and inaccuracy... but one thing everyone has is common is that everyone's scared and discouraged. I'm right there with you, honey. Hope is so important -- hope and voting!!!
Lynn -- bravo to YOU, too! I feel the same way when I look at him. The pictures today, of him standing in the rain, made me choke up. (And McCain canceled his indoor rally!) He just HAS to win. He has to! Ugh, one more week...
xoxoxo to all!!!
Amen sister.
so proud of you. (DUH you knew that but I am writing it down.)
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